
What They're Saying About Carolyn
Walking for (More Than) Fitness
Writer Sharyl Kraft interviewed Carolyn for an article posted to her Midlife Matters blog on For Carolyn, she says, “Walking is more than just putting one foot in front of the other. It’s an opportunity to reach inside yourself, get in touch with nature, lift your spirits, or even speed recovery from an illness or setback.” Read the full post
Walking with Spirit: A Path with Heart
After walking with Carolyn during a Spirited Walker Week at the Golden Door resort in California, writer Katherine Stewart observed: “She has given me new legs. By allowing me to reconsider such a fundamental activity as walking, she has given me a tool to help quiet the static in my head so that I may be able to hear the deeper voice within.” Read the article
Walking Meditation – Sydney, Australia
Kerry Stewart of ABC Radio National in Sydney, interviewed Carolyn for a broadcast on walking meditation that included labyrinth authority Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress, and Zen Buddhist teacher Kahn le Van. ABC’s Encounter program
Living In the Moment
Women’s Day Magazine asked Carolyn for suggestions about how to transform a fitness walk into a mindful walk that keeps your focus in the present. “I call it aerobic mindfulness,” says Carolyn. “It’s taking a break from mental fretting, second-guessing and planning.”
The Walking Site
"Unlike a number of authors who come to their fitness activities carrying the baggage of years of poor habits, Carolyn Scott Kortge brought her writer's eye to the venture. This book can best be described as mapping a course from sole to soul," writes a book reviewer for The Walking Site. Read the full review
What Carolyn Says About Walking
Healing Walks Open a Path through Stress
“Solvitur ambulando,” asserts a Latin phrase attributed to St. Augustine. “It is solved by walking.” Not everything, of course, is solved by walking. But a good deal is. And if it isn’t solved, it is reorganized, refreshed, or revitalized so that new responses are possible.” Carolyn writes in an article for WalkAbout magazine. Get your feet back on the ground in times of upheaval with her suggestions for steps that heal.
In-Step-Fitness for Body, Mind and Spirit
Out the door on a late winter afternoon, it takes mindful intention, and a stiff round of self talk to keep the walk in motion long enough to cross the border from resistance into relaxation. Carolyn outlines her steps in an article on
Seeding Your Spiritual Path with Pebbles
Adding a spiritual dimension to your walks can be as simple as sowing your steps with a trail of gratitude pebbles, as Carolyn explains in a article on